Thieves are cutting, stealing horse hair in Corrales

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CORRALES, N.M. – “We’ve had many bizarre things happen down here, but this is one bizarre one,” said Catherine Keller with Corrales Animal Services.

Keller is talking about recent reports of horse tails getting cut off and stolen in the village. In recent months, two reports have come in with similar stories, according to Corrales Police Department.

Photos in the report show how long the horse’s tails used to be, all the way down to their hooves. But, after, you can tell the tails are noticeably shorter.

One woman told animal services she thinks the tail was cut overnight on her property.

“When she went to go bathe her horses, I guess the following day, and that’s when she noticed that somebody had cut part of their tail off when she was bathing them. So it kind of freaked her out,” Keller said.

Animal services said this is very rare for the area.

Keller said she only knows of these two incidents, but horsehair has several uses like in pottery, jewelry, and fabric, and has an unexpectedly high price tag.

“Horsehair can go for thousands of dollars. It’s kind of a weird under market or black-market type thing with horsehair,” she said.

Keller said her department is monitoring and patrolling the area, but adds if you see something, say something.

She added there are things you can do to prevent your horse getting some unwanted grooming.

“Even going as far as possibly braiding some fabric into your horse’s tail, putting it up, so it’s not out long. And people can be deterred away from that kind of thing.” 

She also recommends adding cameras to your property as well.