Tips for avoiding scams on GoFundMe

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ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — People love to give back during the holiday season but, if you’re donating online, it’s important to be aware so you don’t get scammed.

GoFundMe is a popular online fundraising platform so, while officials say they do their best to keep everyone safe, there are things you should look out for to avoid any scams that fly under the radar.

“First, review the fundraiser page. Does the fundraiser have a clear title? Is the image clear? Is the story clear? Make sure those details are apparent. Second, is it clear how the funds will be used? What’s the purpose of the fundraiser?” said Leigh Lehman, of GoFundMe.

Third, make sure you know who is receiving the money and what the connection between the organizer and the recipient is.

Finally, look at the comment section to see who’s sharing or donating.

“If direct family, friends and community members are making donations and leaving supportive comments, that’s usually a good sign that everything is clearly laid out,” Lehman elaborated.

GoFundMe officials review each fundraiser to make sure everything checks out okay but heeding those tips will ensure everything checks out perfectly.