Toughest Monster Truck Tour returns to Rio Rancho, Jan. 13-14

RIO RANCHO, N.M. — The Toughest Monster Truck Tour returns to the Rio Rancho Event Center, Jan. 13-14, for the winter schedule opener.

It’s the second year in a row that the event center has hosted the tour’s winter opener. Last year, the 12,000-pound, 1,500 HP beasts visited the event center for the first time since Feb. 2020.

This year, the tough trucks include Rat Attack and Buckshot, which Brandon Budd calls the “three-12.”

“Buckshot is a camo-color, orange, hunting truck,” Brandon said. “We call it the three-12s, 12-foot-tall, 12-foot-wide, 12,000 pounds. Tires are 66 inches tall and weigh a thousand pounds apiece. They’re massive.”

To drive these behemoths, there’s no special license needed but you can take special driving classes.

“There is Monster Jam University, up in Paxton, Illinois. They take people who may not know what a monster truck is, bring them in, get them in a truck and give them the fundamentals on how to drive them, work on them. Or you can be old-fashioned and get in and go as I did, and I’ve done it for 8 years,” said Jacob, the driver of Rat Attack.

You can check out Rat Attack and Buckshot before each during the pit party each day before the show.

On Friday, the pit party is from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., before the 7:30 p.m. show. On Saturday, the party is from 4 to 5 p.m., before the 6 p.m. show.

Click here to buy tickets and learn more information, also found in the video above.