Video: Man pours oil all over Old Town Albuquerque

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Surveillance video shows a man brought a jug of oil to Old Town and dumped it all over.

“Yeah, there’s some mean, stupid, ugly people that come through once in a while, and you just deal with it,” said Rich Dozier, the founder of Happy Hiker.

Dozier founded the original Happy Hiker store in Ruidoso. The location in Old Town is run by his son.

Some of the recent vandalism in Old Town is not changing the course of their family business.

“If we weren’t excited about Albuquerque, if we weren’t excited about Old Town, we would not be opening a second store,” Dozier said.

He hopes others will be part of the solution.

“I encourage everyone to take that view in life and be positive and upbeat, and then – do something,” Dozier said. “Don’t just sit there and complain.”

Police have been made aware of the video, and are looking into it. The incident happened just after 3 a.m. Thursday morning.