Video shows gun drawn during fight at Urban Air trampoline park

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ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — An Albuquerque mother says a man pulled a gun on someone while she was trying to celebrate her child’s birthday. They were at a place that’s supposed to be family-friendly.

Police confirm there was a gun, and we’re seeing a video of some of the argument. No one was hurt and no shots were fired.

But, what was supposed to be a fun night was ruined when a man pulled a gun during an argument at a trampoline park, other children saw it, and panicked. They started screaming “gun, gun everybody run to the bathroom.”

Destany Carbello was celebrating her son’s 7th birthday at Urban Air Trampoline Park Saturday night when a fight between parents broke out.

“People started pushing each other and the fight escalated,” said Carbello.  

To the point where one of those parents pulled out a gun—then Carbello grabbed her son and hid.

“I was sitting behind the register with him, and he looked me in the eye and said ‘is somebody going to die?’ It was the most horrifying thing as a mom, I have never felt like that before, I didn’t know what to say,” said Carbello. 

APD confirmed there was an altercation at Urban Air Saturday night but no shots were fired, and no arrests were made. The trampoline park says they didn’t find any evidence of a gun being drawn.

Now, a handful of lawmakers are looking to make changes during this legislative session.

One bill introduced by three Democratic representatives would increase the penalty for carrying a gun in a high-population area while intoxicated, it would now be a fourth-degree felony.

They define a high-population area as any city or town that has a population of more than 90,000, so this bill would really only include Albuquerque, Rio Rancho, and Las Cruces.

But there are bills being introduced that would allow more people to legally carry a gun in public. The first example is by Republican Sen. Steven Neville, his bill would expand the places New Mexicans are allowed to open carry.

New Mexico’s current law states folks can not open carry in bars or restaurants that serve hard liquor, and Neville’s bill would allow that.

Then a group of five Republican representatives introduced a bill that would go one step further, proposing to do away with conceal-and-carry permits.

Currently, in New Mexico, anyone can openly carry a gun, but people need a state-issued permit to conceal or hide a firearm while in public. This bill would get rid of that permit and also would remove the term “firearms” from the definition of a deadly weapon.

The Legislature hasn’t voted on any of those bills yet, and they would have to make their way through committees before getting a vote on the floor.