Video: Teens spotted checking cars across NE Albuquerque

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Neighbors in northeast Albuquerque say for every one video that shows a group or person checking to see if a car door is unlocked, there’s usually about ten other homeowners who either didn’t record an incident, or didn’t post it on a neighborhood app.

But in this case, ten homeowners posted about the same group.

“It seemed like there were about ten videos from last night alone and then there was a couple videos from the week before,” said one neighbor who was targeted.

“It’s violating the owners of the vehicles, and you know in some manner I’m concerned for the safety of the kids that they’re going to put themselves in a situation that’s not going to be good,” he said. “They’re going to go to the wrong place at the wrong time.”

“There was one video where they were throwing what seemed like maybe bricks or rocks at a window,” he said.

Another neighbor mentioned they stole a set of keys out of one of their cars and came back hours later to try and open the door of another car in their driveway.

“To me, it was just how brazen they were– like they didn’t seem to care that their faces were on the cameras, they didn’t seem to be “professional” at all,” he said. “My hope for this is that somebody recognizes them and can stop them before somebody gets hurt.”

This neighbor said he called APD, and they encouraged him to submit a report online. It’s a tool the department is using in order to free up officers for other calls and more proactive policing.