What you should do if you see a sparking power line
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – PNM explained what you should do if you get a sparking power line in your back yard. Spoiler alert, they do not recommend standing outside to take a video.
“We have him advise everybody to stay clear of situations like that, stay as far away as possible,” said Eric Chavez, a PNM spokesperson.
Electricity is supposed to flow inside a power line, but sometimes, it jumps out.
“It’s just kind of arcing or jumping, it’s kind of the term that we use,” said Chavez.
That appeared to be the case recently near Zuni and Grove, where a viewer captured a video.
“Weather is a primary reason. It may have been windy and may have been raining in that video. It’s kind of hard to tell, but stuff like that does happen due to weather sometimes,” Chavez said.
Even though it looks and sounds like fireworks, PNM says this is a light show you’re not gonna want to stick around for.
“It could escalate to the point of the line coming down all the way to the ground,” said Chavez. “Whether it’s a sparking line, a downed line or even a sagging line – stay as far away as possible. Always, always assume that those lines are energized, even if you can’t see it. Even if it’s not jumping or sparking, just assume that there’s power running through that, and so we advise customers to never touch power lines at all.”
PNM also says to call them immediately if the power lines start to snap, crackle, and pop outside of your house.
“If people see that or hear about something like that, definitely let PNM know, don’t assume that somebody has done it,” Chavez said. “Call PNM at 888-Dial PNM, and if it seems like a like an emergency, if it seems like the public is at risk, then we also encourage them to call 911 as well. I can’t reiterate this enough, just stand back, stay clear and call PNM.”
For more electrical safety tips from PNM, click here.