Resolution keeper apps | What the Tech?

Resolution keeper apps | What the Tech?

Making a resolution is easy, keeping one is harder. Here are some apps Jamey Tucker believes can help.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (WHAT THE TECH?) — If you’ve made some New Year’s resolutions, you may need some help keeping them and there are apps for that.

The most popular app to help stop smoking is “Smoke Free-Quit Smoking Now”. A bot sends messages to motivate users, keeps a running tally of days quit, and how much money you’ve saved.

It’s free for Android and iPhone. A subscription with more features is $7 a month.

For kicking an alcohol habit, the app “I Am Sober” boasts over 130 thousand ratings and 4.9 stars. It tracks days of sobriety, sends motivational messages, and connects to others who’ve resolved to cut down or cut out alcohol completely.

For those struggling with a pornography addiction, the app Covenant Eyes is an accountability partner that will block porn on all of your devices. It also uses AI to monitor messages and blur photos it determines may be explicit or suggestive. If you choose, the app sends notifications to other users if you appear to slip.

If improving mental health tops your 2024 goals, the app Stoic aims to help you sleep and live a happier life through journaling. Stoic offers a personalized daily planner and sends prompts throughout the day to inspire and motivate users to add to a journal. Stoic also blocks distracting apps and limits screen time.

Of course, an app alone doesn’t guarantee you’ll keep your resolution, but it can help.