Samsung Food | What the Tech? App of the Day

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ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (WHAT THE TECH?) — If you search for cooking or recipe apps in the app stores, you’ll find dozens that all do the same, but Samsung Food is different.

Often, cooks might stumble upon a recipe somewhere. Later, when they try to find it, they can’t.

The Samsung Food app allows you to save recipes you find online in one place.

We searched for “recipes for nachos” on my computer and found this one. Rather than bookmarking it, or printing it out, you just click on the “Samsung Food” icon near the address bar.

That one click saves the recipe, ingredients and steps in the app.

If you find a recipe while browsing a website on your phone, tap share and choose “Samsung Food” to add it to your recipe book.

You can even save recipes and videos from TikTok.

Recipes can be organized and searchable by meal, dietary restrictions and occasions.

If it sounds familiar, it’s the former “Whisk” app that was purchased by Samsung and given a new name. It’s a free app for iPhones, Android devices, iPads and a web browser.

The Samsung Food app also features chefs you can follow for their recipes. You can also add your own so other users can follow your recipes.

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