App of the Day: PictureThis | What the Tech?
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (WHAT THE TECH?) — Spring is the time to put in new plants but, as you plant, you may not know if you should leave existing plants in the ground.
Some of them look inconspicuous and don’t have the typical appearance of a weed. The App of the Day, “PictureThis,” can answer if you should pull it or not.
With “PictureThis,” you take a picture of the plant within the frame. Its AI determines what exactly that plant is after you take the picture. Then, you can read more about it and see if it’s something that should be in your yard or if it’s a weed or invasive plant.
How accurate is it? We took the app to a home and garden store where it correctly identified every plant it saw.
If the app gets stumped, there is a “PictureThis” community working to make it better and identify unknown plants.
Click here to learn more about the “PictureThis” app.