Autio | What the Tech? App of the Day

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (WHAT THE TECH?) — If you’re taking a road trip this summer, you may want to consider the Autio app which could add some special stories to your trip playlist.

You may also want to consider the “Autio” app, which offers bite-sized stories of the area and attractions near you as you drive.

You’ll still get to listen to your music, podcasts, or whatever. Still, anytime you get close to an interesting story, Autio sends a notification that a story about that area is available.

Kevin Costner and the developers enlisted voice actors and celebrities to narrate.

Take this drive through Wyoming, you might otherwise miss something interesting along the way. It could be history or maybe an interesting landmark, like the Skunk Ape legend of southwestern Florida.

Stories are only 2 minutes or so.

Autio has over 100 stories in each state. You can also look down the road to find other interesting stories you can save for later. It’s essentially a tour guide for the open road.

The Autio app is available only for iPhones. Five stories are free, then it’s $30 for a month or $36 for a full year of road trip stories.

Its former name is “Hear Here.” Then, they raised millions of dollars for the re-release as “Autio.”

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