iOS 17 update | What the Tech?
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (WHAT THE TECH?) — Apple just released iOS 17. iPhone users can download it and help find any bugs before it’s released this fall.
To be part of the beta program, you just go online on your phone, agree to be part of the program and accept the risk.
Should you get the beta version or wait a few months until Apple finds and fixes any problems?
iOS 17 has some features you may want, including new emojis. These contact posters are pretty cool. These will pop up on the screen when you call someone or they call you.
There’s Facetime voicemail. If you can’t answer a Facetime call, they can leave you a video message.
Apple just released iOS 17. iPhone users can download it and help find any bugs before it's released this fall.
Standby may be the most helpful. It turns your phone into a bedside alarm clock when you put it on charge in the horizontal position, it displays the clock, calendar, and other widgets and when the lights go off, it turns on night mode.
And live voicemail. If someone leaves a message when you can’t answer you can see a real-time transcription of their message to decide whether you want it to stay in voicemail or answer the call.
It’s tempting, but be aware if you download iOS 17, beta may run into a few problems. Some apps may not work and the battery may drain faster. If you can’t wait until mid-September or so, back up your phone just in case something goes wrong.
Apple also released new beta versions of operating systems for the iPad, Apple Watch and Mac computers.
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