Local massage therapist shows off mobile unit

Local massage therapist shows off mobile unit

In the wake of the pandemic, many business owners, if they were capable of doing so, moved to mobile operations, including MVMT Nomadic Therapy. We talked with the owner.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Stress is a part of life but it can take a toll on us so this month, make sure you take care of yourself.

Maybe, a massage might do the trick? A local business could bring that to your house.

Inside a 100 sq. ft. bus, Jennifer Stalnaker operates MVMT Nomadic Therapy. It is her massage therapy clinic on wheels.

“I’ve been doing bodywork for over 21 years. I come from a place of physical therapy, hospice and traumatic brain injury work. My paradigm is cranial sacral therapy, along with myofascial neuro-muscular resets,” Stalnaker said.

She offers a place for healing.

Going mobile has given her a sense of healing herself. A year ago, she broke free from her downtown Albuquerque brick-and-mortar business.

She joins a growing number of Americans choosing to take their business on the road since the pandemic.

“Being in that space in a place where people couldn’t leave home and couldn’t have touch, that’s really what projected me to move into movements, and find a way to connect with the community so people can find that space in place where they can get safe touch, to promote better healing,” Stalnaker said.

Stalnaker is also promoting relaxation.

“You kind of get these patterns of looping when you’re in pain. And so going in there and really getting that neuro reset offering the body that space of parasympathetic nervous system can be transformative for the healing process,” Stalnaker said.

Beyond the bus, she also empowers women through her knowledge of bodywork.

“Just having the awareness of breathwork and bass yoga and movements in general. So I think that helps women connect to themselves in a way in a space that we can all kind of entertain,” Stalnaker said.

If you’d like to see our segment on KOB 4 Mornings with Stalnaker, click here.