Statement from the general manager of KOB-TV

The Ronchetti campaign’s allegations that KOB-TV colluded with the 2018 Michelle Lujan Grisham campaign are patently false. 

For over 70 years, KOB-TV has adhered to the highest standards of journalism integrity and would never engage in behavior that would undermine our standards, the respect of our viewers, or the public trust. 

We take accusations like this, even unfounded ones, very seriously and if we find that a staff member acted on their own and without our knowledge they will no longer be part of the team at KOB-TV.

We actively invite the Ronchetti campaign and the alleged anonymous source to contact KOB-TV and share all relevant evidence so we can fully investigate these allegations and maintain our commitment to transparency and the high standards we have set for the people we serve in New Mexico.

-Michelle Donaldson
Vice President & General Manager, KOB-TV