Reopening Map: All 33 New Mexico counties now in Turquoise

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ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — The Red to Green reopening map was updated Wednesday.

According to the latest data, all 33 New Mexico counties are now in the Turquoise level. It’s the least restrictive reopening category in New Mexico.

Alongside relaxed restrictions, counties in the Turquoise level are reevaluated every month instead of biweekly.

In this latest update, Chaves County moved from the Green level to Turquoise.

Going forward, the state will no longer move counties back to a more restrictive level.

State officials are planning to retire the color-coded system two weeks after 60% of New Mexicans are fully vaccinated. As of Wednesday, 56% of New Mexicans are fully vaccinated, and 65% of New Mexicans have received at least one dose.

However, Dr. Tracie Collins, cabinet secretary for the New Mexico Department of Health, said the state will still be monitoring the spread of COVID-19 after the color-coded system is retired.

"The goal is to open up, but we will need to maintain surveillance, but we will no longer be using this color scheme," she said. "So, people will be free to go about doing their activities safely, and then we want to evaluate on going forward what makes sense to keep New Mexico safe."

Click here to see how your county is doing in the battle against COVID-19


Counties at the Turquoise Level have three of the following or two of the following in two consecutive reporting periods: 1) a new COVID-19 average daily case incidence rate of no greater than 10 cases per 100,000 inhabitants during the most recent two-week period, 2) an average percent of positive COVID-19 test results less than or equal to 7.5%, or 3) a fully vaccinated rate at or above 35%.

  • Essential businesses (non-retail): No capacity restrictions but operations must be limited to only those absolutely necessary to carry out essential functions
  • Essential retail spaces: 75% of maximum capacity for indoor spaces and 100% outdoor
  • Food and drink establishments (if NM Safe Certified): 75% of maximum capacity for indoor dining; 75% of maximum capacity for outdoor dining
  • Close-contact businesses: 75% of maximum capacity; no restrictions on outdoor spaces
  • Large entertainment venues: 33% of maximum capacity for any indoor/enclosed space on premises; 75% of any outdoor space on premises
  • Recreational facilities: 50% of maximum capacity of any indoor/enclosed space on the premises; 75% of any outdoor space on premises
  • Bars and clubs: 33% of maximum capacity of any indoor/enclosed space on premises; 75% of any outdoor space on premises, where applicable
  • All other businesses: 75% of maximum capacity indoors; no restrictions on outdoor spaces
  • Houses of worship: May operate at 100% capacity indoors or outdoors should they so choose
  • Places of lodging: No maximum occupancy restrictions for those that have completed NM Safe Certified training; 50% of maximum occupancy for all others; 15 guests maximum for vacation rentals
  • Mass gatherings limit: 150 persons


Counties at the Green Level have two of the following: 1) a new COVID-19 average daily case incidence rate of no greater than 10 cases per 100,000 inhabitants during the most recent two-week period, 2) an average percent of positive COVID-19 test results no greater than 7.5%, or 3) a fully vaccinated rate at or above 35%.

  • Essential businesses (non-retail): No capacity restrictions but operations must be limited to only those absolutely necessary to carry out essential functions
  • Essential retail spaces: 50% of maximum capacity (indoor and outdoor)
  • Food and drink establishments (if NM Safe Certified): 50% of maximum capacity for indoor dining; 75% of maximum capacity for outdoor dining
  • Close-contact businesses: 50% of maximum capacity (indoor and outdoor)
  • Large entertainment venues: 25% of maximum capacity for any indoor/enclosed space on premises; 50% of any outdoor space on premises
  • Recreational facilities: 25% of maximum capacity of any indoor/enclosed space on the premises; 50% of any outdoor space on the premises
  • Bars and clubs: 25% of maximum capacity of any outdoor space on premises, where applicable; indoor not permitted
  • All other businesses: 50% of maximum capacity (indoor and outdoor)
  • Houses of worship: May operate at 100% capacity indoors or outdoors should they so choose
  • Places of lodging: 75% of maximum occupancy for those that have completed NM Safe Certified training; 40% of maximum occupancy for all others; 10 guests maximum for vacation rentals
  • Mass gatherings limit: 20 persons