Murder suspect in Blake’s shooting to remain in jail

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ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – According to investigators, a 2-year-old girl watched as a man shot and killed her father last week in a South Valley parking lot.

On Monday, the man accused of pulling the trigger learned he’ll stay in jail as the case against him moves forward.

24-year-old Christopher Rodriguez watched in silence as a local prosecutor tried to convince a judge he’s a danger to society.

“This is the third time the state has come before this court asking the defendant to be held, because we believe he is a danger to the community,” said the prosecutor. 

According to sheriff’s investigators and prosecutors, Rodriguez shot and killed the father of his girlfriend’s 2-year-old child during a custody exchange outside a South Valley Lotaburger’s last week.

Rodriguez and the victim – Tristan Isaacs – seen in a Ring video holding his little girl allegedly got into an argument before the shooting.

Prosecutors pointed out that Rodriguez has been in serious trouble before.

“Since the defendant was 17, every single criminal case that he has picked up has been with allegations of the use of violence, and the use of a firearm,” the prosecutor said.  

That was among the reasons prosecutor say Rodriguez is too dangerous to be out of jail pending trial.

But the defense pointed to the altercation that happened before the fatal shooting.

“Even if all of this happened I think there’s an element of self-defense here,” said the defense attorney. 

Even so the judge sided with the prosecution.

“The state has met their burden to show the defendant is likely to pose a threat to the safety of others,” said the judge. 

Rodriguez will stay locked up until trial. He is charged with murder, child abuse, and tampering with evidence.