All city and county pools and splash pads close for public health precaution

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – All of the county and city pools and splash pads in Bernalillo County and Albuquerque are closed as a public health precaution.
The Environmental Health Department has confirmed two cases of cryptosporidiosis in people who recently swam at a city pool. Cryptosporidium is a type of parasite. It has not been detected at any city pool yet.
Just to be safe, all city pools and splash pads closed for cleaning Thursday. The county announced Thursday they were making the same move to prevent the spread of cryptosporidium.
The city indicated the pools will reopen Friday.
The county hasn’t indicated when they will reopen the pools. You can track the status here.
In the meantime, crews are still cleaning extensively. Thankfully, no county pools have confirmed cases positive for cryptosporidium.