Local business owner deals with another break-in after moving store location
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – The new sign at The Locker Room just went up Monday morning. While owner Richard Johnson was celebrating, he was also dealing with the aftermath of yet another break-in.
“You know, the feelings, the emotions, like, man, when is this going to stop?” said Johnson.
Johnson just moved to the new location earlier this month. He was in the process of setting up security cameras when the break-in happened.
KOB 4 spoke with him after he left his previous spot in the International District, where vandals and thieves stole everything and shot up his storefront.
Last Wednesday, security footage from a neighboring store caught a man chiseling away the back door to get into his new shop on Menaul and San Mateo.
“He started at 3:15, and then he left for a while. Every time he saw a car go by, he would walk away, you know, he would kind of go up the alley. He didn’t do it continually,” said Johnson.
It took the man about three hours to get in. Johnson lost about $1,500 worth of merchandise this time.
Johnson doesn’t know now if someone is targeting him, or he’s just another business hit by holiday looters.
“It’s frustrating, and then you start trying to think about what you could do, but I’m still trying to fix the old place and rebuild this one,” Johnson said.
He looked into the window to opportunity grant the city offers for vandalism.
“They said if your business has been vandalized, they want you to pay out of pocket. And then they reimburse you up to $2,500. But when you have this going on, and you’re trying to rebuild, and you’re trying to keep your small business open, a lot of times, you don’t have $2,500 to $5,000 to dish out up front,” said Johnson.
After each crime, he filed an online report and says this latest break-in doesn’t have a police report number yet.
“I don’t blame the police, I don’t necessarily blame anybody. I think my issue is that there are policies and procedures and a lack of some of these things that is causing this to happen throughout the city,” said Johnson.
Johnson says despite this latest set back, he’s staying optimistic, and staying open for business.