Owner, neighbor find popular missing peacock

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ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – On a windy day in the North Valley, the birds are chirping, but one distinct call is missing. The squawk from “Bob” the peacock has been absent for almost two weeks.

Ray Santillanes says for the past 20 years, him and Bob have had their routine.

“He comes, and he has breakfast, then he usually goes hangs out in the shade at this neighbor’s house. And then, before it gets dark he comes home, so he can eat,” said Santillanes. 

Then, Bob vanished. KOB 4 put the word out last weekend

“It’s just been hard lately, you know?” said Santillanes last weekend. 

But, earlier this week, a noise lead Santillanes to Bob – who was stuck between a shed and a wall. 

“We took him to the vet to get a once-over on him, make sure he’s OK. And really make sure it’s him, because the doctor knows him quite well. She’s been taking care of him for probably at least 15 years now,” Santillanes said. 

Bob was a little skinny, but after a heart check, he’s healthy.  While he’s not microchipped the familiar injuries after a run-in with a dog confirmed it. 

“I’m not the celebrity, it’s Bob!” laughed Santillanes. 

Soon, the sounds of the North Valley will include Bob’s call once again.

“I can’t even explain that, I get chills even now. I’m just so, so happy. So are a lot of the neighbors, we all are,” said Santillanes.

Santillanes said he showed up on his roof 20 years ago and stayed ever since.

Bob drew the interest of the community. They joined in the effort to find him and reported numerous possible sightings of the precious peacock.