Police officers describe aftermath of deadly River of Lights crash

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ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – The trial of a man accused of causing the crash that killed a 7-year-old boy just outside the River of Lights in 2021 is now in its second week. 

Sergio Almanza is accused of driving an ATV drunk down Central, and hitting Pronoy Battarchaya, and his father Aditya. Pronoy died.  

Alamanza’s defense says he was not drunk. 

On Monday, the jury heard from multiple police officers who were part of the investigation. They described the scene, and the aftermath, including the moments after Aditya woke up in the hospital.

“Deepshika told Aditya that Pronoy had died, and he started screaming, and I’ll never forget it. It was just high-pitched constant scream, scream, scream, scream for a few minutes before he stopped to ask what happened. And then when Deepshika told him more about what happened, he just started screaming over and over again,” said APD officer Amanda Rickers. 

The jury was shown video and photos from the crash scene. Those photos showed the father and son were hit with so much force their shoes, and socks came flying off. 

Parts of the ATV which were collected from the scene were also shown to the jury. This trial is scheduled to go through Thursday.