Santa Fe judge pleads no contest in DWI case
SANTA FE, N.M. — A Santa Fe County judge pleaded no contest in a DWI case that led him to resign.
Police say in February Dev Atma Khalsa drove drunk and crashed his car on I-25 at the St. Francis Drive exit.
Under the plea agreement, Khalsa has to serve 364 days on probation, perform 24 hours of community service, and attend DWI school.
The charges for driving without a license and careless driving were dismissed.
Khalsa had agreed to resign after the New Mexico Judicial Standards Commission filed a petition with the New Mexico Supreme Court.

Police had found Khalsa’s SUV rolled over in a ditch off northbound I-25. The officer at the scene also said Khalsa’s driver’s license was expired. He refused medical treatment and a blood alcohol test.
Khalsa was elected a judge in November.