Data: COVID-19 activity is high in New Mexico

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the New Mexico Department of Health is showing high COVID-19 activity in our state.
The CDC tests wastewater to detect traces of several infectious diseases, including COVID. According to data from wastewater sites in Bernalillo County and Santa Fe, which serve 650,000 people and 87,000 people, respectively, the Bernalillo County site is showing “very high” viral activity while the Santa Fe site is showing “high” viral activity, as of Dec. 1-7.
In total, a CDC map shows New Mexico is in dark blue, indicating “very high” COVID cases. Other states are in mint green where cases are considered “minimal.”
According to the New Mexico Department of Health, from Nov. 29-Dec. 5, there were 1,083 cases statewide. NMHealth officials say cases typically peak in January.