Teen charged with alleged murder of 4 family members
RIO COMMUNITIES, N.M. — A teen is behind bars as he faces charges for allegedly shooting and killing his family early Saturday morning in Rio Communities.
Authorities arrested 16-year-old Diego Leyva on four charges of murder for allegedly shooting and killing two of his siblings and his parents. Leyva was in court Monday for the first time. However, we won’t show his face because he is under 18 years old.
Around 3:30 a.m. Saturday, Levya called 911 saying he killed his family, according to police.
Valencia County Sheriff’s deputies responded first. They said Levya walked out of the house, drunk, with his hands in the air and again saying he killed his family.
When deputies searched the house, they found a handgun on the kitchen table. They also found his brothers and parents, who he is accused of killing. That prompted deputies to call in New Mexico State Police.
A judge ruled Monday to keep him in jail, pending trial.
“Based upon the allegations and the circumstances surrounding this matter, the court is going to find that the child is a danger to himself and others, and the court is going to order that he be held in detention at this time,” the judge said.
Levya’s defense claimed he should be released. They argued he has no history of violence and some other family members were willing to take custody of him.
The state rebutted, arguing he’s a danger to himself and society. They added, when deputies found Levya at the crime scene, he was hitting himself over the head.
KOB 4 learned more Monday about his mother, Adriana Bencomo. She was a firefighter with the Rio Communities Volunteer Fire Department since 2007.
Rio Communities Fire Chief Andrew Tabet said he followed her career since she joined the department. Tabet added she loved her community and just wanted to be there for people on their worst day.
“There’s more memories than I can even talk about,” Tabet said. “I’ve known her entire career. She always would make us laugh, even on a really rough call, she always had a smile on her face. She always had everything. And it was just that much more funny, because she truly cared if you were OK.”
Investigators haven’t said what led to the shooting or a motive. What is clear is the impact of this on the community.
Belen Schools Superintendent Lawrence Sanchez confirmed Monday that Levya is a Belen High School student. Sanchez also confirmed Leyva’s 14-year-old brother was a Belen Middle School student.
The district is offering additional counseling services to both schools. Sanchez said other districts around the state also reached out to offer resources.